Membership Options.

The Academy of Leisure Sciences is dedicated to the advancement of leisure sciences. Its primary purpose is to bring together people from diverse backgrounds, academic and otherwise, who share a mutual interest in better understanding the roles of leisure in life, including various contexts of recreation, parks, tourism, outdoor adventure, health and therapy, and sport.

Membership is open to all scholars, educators, and students in the diverse field of leisure studies, and all members participate in the Academy’s growth and development by serving on committees, standing for governing offices, and otherwise creating the Academy’s future. We want to build a caring and connected professional community. Individual and institutional memberships are available below.

Individual Memberships

Individual Membership - Regular

For regular members and Elected Fellows who are fully employed. Members will receive The Torch, the official TALS Newsletter, receive discounted registration rates for the annual research and teaching conference, and be able to vote on official TALS business.

Individual Membership - Retired

This membership is for regular members and Elected Fellows who have retired. Members will receive The Torch, the official TALS Newsletter, receive discounted registration rates for the annual research and teaching conference, and be able to vote on official TALS business.

Individual Membership - Student

This membership is for all graduate and undergraduate students. Members will receive The Torch, the official TALS Newsletter, receive discounted registration rates for the annual research and teaching conference, and be able to vote on official TALS business.

Institutional Memberships

Institutional Membership - Tier 1

This institutional membership is designated for 1 - 4 Faculty/Staff members and includes 4 free student memberships at the same institution. Members will receive The Torch, the official TALS Newsletter, receive discounted registration rates for the annual research and teaching conference, and be able to vote on official TALS business.

Institutional Membership - Tier 2

This institutional membership is designated for 5 - 9 Faculty/Staff members and includes 9 free student memberships at the same institution. Members will receive The Torch, the official TALS Newsletter, receive discounted registration rates for the annual research and teaching conference, and be able to vote on official TALS business.

Insistutional Membership - Tier 3

This institutional membership is designated for 10 - 20 Faculty/Staff members and includes 20 free student memberships at the same institution. Members will receive The Torch, the official TALS Newsletter, receive discounted registration rates for the annual research and teaching conference, and be able to vote on official TALS business.

Institutional Membership - Tier 4

This institutional membership is designated for over 20 Faculty/Staff members and includes 50 free student memberships at the same institution. Members will receive The Torch, the official TALS Newsletter, receive discounted registration rates for the annual research and teaching conference, and be able to vote on official TALS business.