TALS Leadership Team

  • Ed Gómez, President

    Dr. Ed Gómez is a Professor in the Department of Recreation Sciences at East Carolina University. His research interests include: racial/ethnic perspectives in public recreation settings, psychometrics and scale development, urban/municipal parks and sense of community in neighborhoods, and dog parks.

  • Lauren Duffy, Past-President

    Dr. Lauren Duffy is an Associate Professor and the Undergraduate Coordinator in the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management at Clemson University. Her research program is grounded within critical leisure and tourism studies.

  • Toni Liechty, Treasurer

    Dr. Toni Liechty is an Associate Professor and the Director of Undergraduate Studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research explores connections between leisure and body image, embodiment, and health/well-being.

  • Matthew Ostermeyer, Secretary

    Dr. Matt Ostermeyer is the Director of Sport and Recreation Leadership (SRL) and Associate Professor of Practice in the Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies Department at the University of Arizona. He leads a team of faculty delivering three SRL graduate degrees and an SRL undergraduate minor. Matt also teaches courses in the Interdisciplinary Studies major (Sport and Society emphasis), Leadership and Learning Innovation major, Adolescents, Community and Education minor, as well as in the General Education curriculum.

  • Mary Parr, Historian

    Dr. Mary Parr is a Professor at Kent State University. She received her Ph.D. in Leisure Studies from the University of Illinois. She teaches courses in the areas of social psychological dimensions of leisure, cultural dimensions of contemporary leisure practices, and Foundations of Recreation and Leisure. Her research interests include understanding the meaning of leisure and it's relation to professional practice and professional preparation of students, and leisure's role in the development of community.

  • Mary Ann Devine, Fellows Representative

    Dr. Mary Ann Devine is a Professor at Kent State University where she directs the Disability Studies and Community Inclusion academic program. Her line of research centers on theoretical and empirical examinations of the inclusion of people with disabilities in leisure contexts. In 2021 she was inducted as a Fellow into TALS. In 2009, Dr. Devine was the first recipient of the Gonzaga da Gama Researcher of the Year, awarded by the National Institute on Recreation Inclusion, for her scholarly examinations of inclusive leisure contexts.

  • Brooke Burk, BOD At-Large

    Dr. Brooke Burk is a Professor in the Department of Recreation and Parks Leadership Studies and Director for the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She is also a Co-Editor for Schole: A Journal for Recreation & Leisure Studies Education.

  • W. Thomas Means, BOD At-Large

    Dr. Tommy Means is an Assistant Professor in the Recreation Management and Recreational Therapy Department at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. His current research examines the epistemological and ontological implications of dominate research paradigms within leisure research. Tommy is a past TALS Future Scholar recipient, Co-Chair of the ATRA Research Institute, and currently teaches leisure philosophy, methods, and introduction to mindfulness.

  • Iryna Sharaievska, BOD At-Large

    Dr. Iyrna Sharaievska is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at Clemson University. Iryna’s research interests include technology-based leisure in contemporary families, leisure behavior among individuals and families of diverse backgrounds (non-resident parent, veteran families, low-income and rural families, family members with disabilities) and use of new technologies in recreation management.

  • Chris Wynveen, BOD At-Large

    Dr. Chris Wynveen is a Professor in Baylor University’s Health, Human Performance, & Recreation Department. Chris is also the current editor-in-chief for the Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. His research interests include the intersection of sense of place and stakeholder engagement in protecting natural resource recreation areas.

Committee Chairs (2023-2024)

  • Augustus Hallmon

    Membership Committee

    Dr. Augustus Hallmon is an Assistant Professor in the Hart School of Hospitality, Sports and Recreation Management at James Madison University. Prior to coming to James Madison University, he was a faculty member at Northwest Missouri State University and worked at the Urbana Park District, Champaign County and Mattoon Area Family YMCA, and the Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club.

  • Sammi Powers

    Future Scholars Committee

    Dr. Sammie Powers is an Assistant Professor of Recreation Management in the School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management at George Mason University. Sammie’s work focuses on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the content of parks and recreation, with a focus on nature-based recreation resources.

  • Hung-Ling Stella Liu

    Communications Committee

    Dr. Hung-Ling (Stella) Liu is an Associate Professor in the School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism at George Mason University. She has been involved in TALS Communication Committee since 2016 and enjoys the collaborative effort to serve faculty, students, and partners by providing a welcoming and supportive environment for professional and personal growth.

  • Nick Pitas

    Newsletter Committee

    Dr. Nick Pitas has served as the co-editor of the Torch since 2018, and has been a member of TALS since its formation. He currently teaches at the University of Illinois, and previously spent four years as a faculty member at SUNY Brockport. Nick holds degrees from American University, the University of New Hampshire, and Penn State. He was born in Washington D.C., and grew up across the river in Virginia.

  • Andrew Kerins

    Newsletter Committee, Co-Chair

    Dr. Andrew Kerins is an Assistant Professor of Sport and Recreation at Eastern Illinois University.

  • Harrison Pinckney

    Awards Committee

  • Iryna Sharaievska

    Global Relevance Committee

Immediate Past Board Members

  • Andrew Mowen, TALS Fellows Representative

    Dr. Andy Mowen is a Professor and Professor-in-Charge of Honors Programs in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. His research interests focus on state and community park and recreation services in terms of their funding and their health outcomes.

  • Janelle Joseph, BOD At-Large

    Janelle Joseph is an Assistant Professor and Founder/Director of the Indigeneity, Diaspora, Equity, and Anti-racism in Sport (IDEAS) Research Lab at the University of Toronto. Dr. Joseph is the 2023 Canadian Association of Leisure Studies Emerging Scholar Award winner whose research includes three books related to race, leisure, and sport.

  • Lauren Stephens, BOD At-Large

    Dr. Lauren Stephens is a Lecturer and the EDGE Coordinator in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at Clemson University. Her research explores the ways contextual factors, such as relationships, word choice, and social media, influence college students’ and student-athletes’ perceptions of body image, eating behaviors, and related symptoms.

  • Daniel Theriault, Past Secretary

    Dr. Dan Theriault is an Assistant Professor and Program Director in the Department of Recreation Management and Physical Education. His research explores leisure as a context for disruption and liberation, specifically using history as a tool for present-day social justice

  • Rasul Mowatt, Past President

    Dr. Rasul Mowatt is Professor and Chair in the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management at North Carolina State University.

  • Deb Kerstetter, TALS Fellows Representative

    Dr. Deb Kerstetter is Professor Emerita of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management at Penn State, USA. In her retirement she serves as one of three Graduate Student Ombudspersons for Penn State; serves on boards of local non-profits; supports efforts of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council and professional associations; and maintains limited involvement in her two primary lines of research—tourist decision-making behavior and tourism impact, primarily from a sustainability perspective.

  • Dong Erwei, BOD At-Large

    Dr. Dong is a Clinical Professor and Associate Director at Hainan University - Arizona State University International Tourism College (HAITC) in the ASU School of Community Resources and Development. He is a co-founder of the China-International Leisure Research Association (CILRA).

  • Dr. Julie Stafford Son

    Dr. Julie Son works in the Department of Movement Sciences at University of Idaho. Her research Interests include leisure, sport, and health across the lifespan, with special attention to DEISJ including age, gender, and culture. She has expertise in gerontology and youth development, as well as survey research, program design and evaluation, community-based research, interdisciplinary research, SEM, and personal and focus group interview techniques.

Additional past BOD members can be found here.