Get Involved.
Volunteer committees are the engine of the TALS community. Find a place where you can get involved below.
Awards Committee
Has the responsibility for aiding the Academy in recognizing colleagues for their contributions to the profession in three areas: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service. In addition, similar recognition is accorded to students though the management of the Best Abstract Award. Membership is open to all Academy members.
Conference Planning Committee
Has the responsibility to plan, implement, and evaluate the annual Research and Teaching Conference.
Fellows Committee
Only composed of active fellows, has the responsibility of organizing the activities of the Fellows members, including soliciting nominations for new members and organizing the Fellows Recognition Event for newly inducted members.
Finance and Fundraising Committee
Has the responsibility to oversee financial planning, including expenditures, for TALS. Set a monetary goal and devise/implement a fundraising plan(s) for reaching the goal. Membership is open to all Academy members.
Future Scholars Committee.
Has the responsibility for the ongoing recruitment and selection of individuals designated as Future Scholars. Membership is open to all Academy members.
Global Relevance Committee
Is focused on increasing collaborations with organizations addressing critical global issues and other leisure organizations.
Membership Committee.
Has the responsibility for ongoing recruitment and retention of members representing the breadth of the disciplines related to leisure. Membership is open to all Academy members.
Newsletter & Communications Committee
Has the responsibility for monitoring the TALS website and making recommendations for content development and improving user-friendliness. The committee is also responsible for maintaining a social media presence. Membership is open to all Academy members.
Nomination and Elections Committee
Has the responsibility to solicit nominations and conduct elections annually for Officer and Directors-at-Large positions. The immediate Past-President of the Academy serves as Chair. Membership is open to all Academy members.