Conference Theme

Building Bridges

We are excited to welcome The Academy of Leisure Sciences to Pittsburgh, “The City of Bridges.” We will use this concept, Building Bridges, to encourage our colleagues to consider the question, how do we communicate our work to others for the purposes of expanding our reach? This theme will be used for the purpose of centering our larger discussions. Presenters will not be required to locate their work around this theme, and are encouraged to submit abstracts with diverse foci (e.g., recreational therapy, youth development, sport, tourism, outdoor pursuits, sustainability, curricula, pedagogy, etc.) as a means to begin building bridges internally with other researchers and educators. In addition, we will give consideration to building bridges externally, where we explore ways to strengthen partnerships with practitioners, policymakers, and funders. Keynote speakers and plenary sessions will help unify attendees around this central idea of building bridges.